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close the dialog with a web page
after some more testing this is probably a better solution
just need to move the 1st t_hdlg declaration statement out of WM_INITDIALOG

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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90CB0AC8 0x0 0 0 900 432 "Browser"
;4 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 900 432 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "4"
str ax4SHD
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,DT_SetAccelerators hDlg "401 F1[]402 F2"
,SetTimer hDlg 1 100 0
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we4
,we4._getcontrol(id(4 hDlg))
,DT_SetAutoSizeControls(hDlg "4s")
,case WM_TIMER
,sel wParam
,,case 1
,,int wies=child("" "Internet Explorer_Server" id(4 hDlg)); if(wies=0) ret
,,SetWindowSubclass(wies &sub.WndProc_Subclass 2 0)
,,KillTimer hDlg wParam
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case 401
,mes  "F1"
,case 402
,mes "F2"
,case IDOK
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0
,ret 0
ret 1

#sub WndProc_Subclass
function# hwnd message wParam lParam uIdSubclass dwRefData

;OutWinMsg message wParam lParam ;;uncomment to see received messages

sel message
,str s=
,;,1 submeu 1
,MenuPopup x.AddItems(s)
,int i=x.Show

int R=DefSubclassProc(hwnd message wParam lParam)

sel message
,RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd &sub.WndProc_Subclass uIdSubclass)
,;case ...

ret R

#sub we4_NewWindow3
function IDispatch&ppDisp @&Cancel dwFlags BSTR'bstrUrlContext BSTR'bstrUrl SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2'we3

int hDlg2=sub.Dialog2
SHDocVw.WebBrowser d2_we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg2))

#sub Dialog2
function# [hwndOwner]

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90CF0AC8 0x0 0 0 900 432 "Dialog2"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 900 432 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD
ret ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc2 &controls hwndOwner 1) ;;modeless dialog

#sub DlgProc2
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int- t_hdlg
sel message
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we3
,we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg))
,DT_SetAccelerators hDlg "403 F3[]404 F4"
,DT_SetAutoSizeControls hDlg "3s"
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0
,ret 0
,case 403
,mes "F3"
,case 404
,mes "F4"
ret 1

#sub we3_WindowClosing
function @IsChildWindow @&Cancel ;;SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2'we3
int- t_hdlg
clo t_hdlg
WM_INITDIALOG is called many times when creating a dialog so for some reason t_hdlg=hDlg was losing its value.
but either solution will work

both variables are of the same type just different scope is different. w is a local variable t_hdlg is thread variable
read more here

Messages In This Thread
close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 02:26 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 03:39 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 04:41 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 04-30-2018, 07:46 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 10:21 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 04-30-2018, 10:30 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 10:41 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 04-30-2018, 10:45 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 10:47 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 04-30-2018, 11:33 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 04-30-2018, 11:52 PM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 12:12 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 12:18 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 01:12 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 01:15 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 01:31 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 02:11 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 02:19 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 03:22 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 03:26 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 03:39 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by win - 05-01-2018, 03:53 AM
RE: close the dialog with a web page - by Kevin - 05-01-2018, 03:57 AM

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