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Im new at this but did some reading and could use some help
Ok i don't know if u will get this because i guess i dont got all the lingo yet but here i go...i want to make a toolbar with menus and macros inside the menus. Well i want the toolbar to go in a certain part of a certain window say like notepad and it to only be there when this window is open. I thought i saw this somewhere in the reference but it was too complicated for me to understand can u help please?
in the top of my toolbar i use for QM functions i have this info.
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/mov -42 23 /siz 38 376 /isiz 32 32 /set 1|32 /bmp "C:\qm\Desktop\gradients\grad-gray.jpeg"

first make it appear when Notepad appears.
  • open Notepad
    open the qm editor
    go to the toolbar and then hit ctl-p
    under trigger click "window" then "active"
    then click-hold the little "drag" icon and drag it over Notepad and then release (this will put the window info in automatically)
    the below break down is for the rest of it.

the "mov" makes it show up at a certian place relative to the QM window
the rest you can easily see in the help file.

Note the jpeg is a nice top to bottom gradient background i use for my toolbar.[/list]
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Create one new toolbar. Create as many new menus as you need. Give them all names as you need. Open the toolbar (click it in the list at left). Drag-drop all new menus from the list to the text. The text then will be like

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Menu8 :mac "Menu8"
Menu9 :mac "Menu9"
Menu10 :mac "Menu10"

Then open each new menu and drag-drop macros from the list. Menus will look like

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Macro258 :mac "Macro258"
Macro259 :mac "Macro259"
Macro260 :mac "Macro260"

To add the toolbar to a window, assign it "window activated" trigger. Read more in tips (the bottom of the QM window) or Help topic "Quick Start".

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