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sorry to ask but...
I found the command from as in
str s = "notepad"
str ss.from(s ".exe")
now ss is "notepad.exe"

The same with +:
I have a dialog with 3 edit boxes, what I want to do is getwintext from the first edit and also getwintext from the second edit add them together and setwintext to the third edit, my question is there a simple way to do this , I have tried using the .from command and it is not working like I want it to! thanks

str a.getwintext(id(3 win("my media" "#32770")))

str b.getwintext(id(4 win("my media" "#32770")))

str c.setwintext(id(5 win("my media" "#32770")))

I was thinking something like this but not working!

str a.getwintext(id(3 win("my media" "#32770")))
str b.getwintext(id(4 win("my media" "#32770")))
int aa
int bb
int i
i= (aa bb)
i.setwintext(id(5 win("my media" "#32770")))
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str a.getwintext(id(3 win("my media" "#32770")))
str b.getwintext(id(4 win("my media" "#32770")))
str c=val(a)+val(b) ;;val converts string to number. Then you can add the numbers. = converts number to string.
c.setwintext(id(5 win("my media" "#32770")))
thanks sir, works great!

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