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SysDateTimePick32 Event
How do you trigger action in a dialog when a date has been selected in a SysDateTimePick32?
#2 ... 85%29.aspx
What should it be?

I got it to trigger with this by finding the right number outputting lParam:

sel lParam
case 70643276
out "CHANGE"

But then when I closed dialog and reopened...different numbers

sel DTN_DATETIMECHANGE doesn't work.

not tested

Macro Macro1614
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sel message
,NMHDR* nh=+lParam
,sel nh.idFrom
,,case controlId
,,sel nh.code
,,,if p.dwFlags=GDT_VALID
,,,,DATE d.fromsystemtime(
,,,,out d
,,,else out "empty"
Works, but double triggers. Doesn't effect the program...but just wanted to let you know.

Thanks again for your help.


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