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read xml convert to folder/subfolder/text file
If I have the following XML file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <maincat name="php">
      <subcat name="strings">

How can I create folders and subfolder with a text file and set it's content:

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php   (folder, main_cat)
|--strings   (subfolder, subcat)
   |--explode-example1.txt  (textfile and contents="txttxttxt")
Please give valid XML example. Things like <main_cat="php"> are invalid.
My apologies for that, I changed the XML example.
Macro Macro313
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str folder="$desktop$\xml to files"
mkdir folder

str sXml=
;;<maincat name="php">
;;;;;;<subcat name="strings">
;;;;;;<subcat name="strings2">
IXml x=CreateXml

;create folder for <maincat>
IXmlNode nmc=x.Path("snippetcollection/maincat")
str mainFolderName=nmc.AttributeValue("name")
mkdir F"{folder}\{mainFolderName}"

;get all <subcat>
ARRAY(IXmlNode) a1 a2
nmc.Path("subcat" a1)
int i j
for i 0 a1.len ;;for each <subcat>
,IXmlNode& r1=a1[i]
,str folderName=r1.AttributeValue("name")
,out "---- %s" folderName
,mkdir F"{folder}\{mainFolderName}\{folderName}"
,;get all <snippet>
,r1.Path("snippet" a2)
,for j 0 a2.len ;;for each <snippet>
,,IXmlNode& r2=a2[j]
,,str title content
,,out "title='%s', content='%s'" title content
,,str filePath=F"{folder}\{mainFolderName}\{folderName}\{title}.txt"

run folder
Thank you again for your assistance!!!!!!!
Sorry to bother you again, I really am but this very simple problem is beating me up ( I tried different approaches using the helpfile and xml discussions on forum).
The following example works perfect to extract "mainfolder-1" and "mainfolder-2", they both get printed out in the "out" window.

Macro Macro
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str sXml=
;<?xml version = "1.0"?>

IXml x=CreateXml
ARRAY(IXmlNode) b

;------cycle path-------------
x.Path("/Folder-list/Folder" b)
;------cycle path-------------

int i
for i 0 b.len
,str titlecheck=b[i].ChildValue("Title")
,,if (!empty(titlecheck))

But when I want to extract the "sub1" and "sub2", it doesn't work. What I mean is, only 1 gets printed out in the "out" window => "sub1".
Not "sub1" and "sub2". The method I used is by altering:

Macro Macro
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;------cycle path-------------
x.Path("/Folder-list/Folder" b)
;------cycle path-------------


Macro Macro
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;------cycle path-------------
x.Path("/Folder-list/Folder/SubFolders/Folder" b)
;------cycle path-------------
Path() does not support this. When it finds first <SubFolders>, it gets all its children <Folder> and does not search for other <SubFolders>. Standard XPath probably would get all, but QM supports XPath only partially.

In this case need 2 loops.

Macro Macro1797
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str sXml=
;<?xml version = "1.0"?>

IXml x=CreateXml
ARRAY(IXmlNode) b c

;------cycle path-------------
x.Path("/Folder-list/Folder" b)
;------cycle path-------------

int i j
for i 0 b.len
,str titlecheck=b[i].ChildValue("Title")
,b[i].Path("SubFolders/Folder" c)
,for j 0 c.len

Thank you very very much!!!!
I am sorry to bother you again, in the final stages of my macro I can't finish it because of a very "simple" problem.

I am trying to create a directory structure from an array, but I keep getting the error:
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Error (RT) in Macro3:  cannot create folder: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.    ?

I simplified the part where everything stops:

Macro Macro3
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ARRAY(str) path_string
str drive="d:\test\"
int i


for i 0 path_string.len
,out "%i %s" i path_string[i]
,mkdir F"{drive}{path_string[i]}"

I am guessing that when the second array index is beeing processed, it halts because "d:\test" already exists? (the green 'commented out' block was another attempt where I incorporated the whole path, but it didn't work either)

Is there any way around this? The "mkdir" command hasn't got any special flags (overwrite?) I can use.

The final form of the code will be sometehing like this
Macro xml_folder_structure_builder
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str filePath=F"d:\test\{folder_stucture[m1i]}\{snippet_title}.txt"

{folder_structure[m1i]} and {snippet_title} will be retrieved from an array
It seems that mkdir does not like \ at the end of path.
I'll fix it in next QM.
Ok thanks!!!

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