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folder printing - new user question
I am new to Quick Macros. Could anyone help me?

Very often I need to print a folder of files. Could this be done via scirpt?

E.g.: I would like to print folder of docs (word files)

all the best and thank you for you great tool,
Macro Macro2019
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;Prints all doc and rtf files in My Documents folder.
;The same as if you select the files in Windows Explorer, right click and select Print.

ARRAY(str) a; int i
GetFilesInFolder a "$documents$" ".+\.(doc|rtf)" 0x10000
for i 0 a.len
,run F"{a[i]}" "" "print"
,;run "winword.exe" F"/q /n /mFilePrintDefault /mFileExit ''{a[i]}''"
thank you

is it possible to print one document after another with 5 seconds pause, e.g.:

document 1
pause 5 sec
close doc/app
document 2
pause 5 sec
close doc/app

I use - in my projects - Acrobat pro and very often pdf printer stop working.

Macro Macro1447
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,run F"{a[i]}" "" "print" "" 0x400
,wait 5

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