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Hello All. I'm not going to be sneaky like them poker players asking questions about games that involve other online players, I understand you canno't answer those types of questions because you dont want person one to achieve advantage over person two. Well to be straight up & honest, my question is about a game, but my game is called MOB WAR, its a single player game that you play online at "" <-- all the games on there are SINGLE PLAYERThere is no advantage to be tooken here, besides to the game itself, I'm not trying to achieve advantage over other players I just want to have more AMMO so I dont have to keep reloading. So if you cant answer this question, Please explain to me why, beside the fact that its a game, because I explained a good point above. Even if you cant, thanks for reading my question & trying to help me out at full extent.


I click "Play Mob War", the game loads up, I click start, & it says I have 50 AMMO.
SO I use HTML Element Actions, Set Text, & I have it set the text to 999 AMMO.
so the value changes, I'm shooting some targets in the game & my ammo is out way before it should be, also the Ammo text I changed to 999 doesn't go down from 999 to 998, 997... Its like it didnt save the value I changed it to.

So if there is a way to save the changed value of 999 from itz original normal value (50) Please help me out, I would appreciate it, I'm 15 yrs old, My mom has grounded me for being 30 minutes late to get home last night & I'm really bored, & all I'm asking this question for is so I dont have to keep clicking the SPACE BAR to reload Mainly because my mom is getting pissed of hearing repeated clicks of the keyboard when shes trying to watch TV :[. Thanks for the help everyone.
Does the program allow you to type the number manually? If not, it stores the number in memory and does not get it from the html element.
Thanks 4 replying so quick. no it doesn't allow me to change it manually. Can I Use some function to change the memory stored? or is there any conclusion you can come up with Gintras, I am clueless when it comes to doing this.
Forget it? I'm guessing you mean that you dont want to explain how to do it because it's to complex & I won't understand... If there is even a way to change memory, Well if I look @ it this way, THE Default memory stored when the game is started is 50 ammo, when you shoot once with the left mouse button, the AMMO goes to 49, then it stores the AMMO in memory as 49, therefore the memory of the AMMO is being saved as a different value every time I shoot my weapon... making it impossible to minipulate it to think I have 999 AMMO. Is that correct? If so, is there a program where I can edit the memory & set my AMMO to 999, then LOCK the games AMMO Memory , therefore it cannot be changed by the game itself. HOW DOES THAT SOUND, OR AM I TOTALLY WAY OFF? Sorry if im bothering you too much, I just want to change my ammo, this is the last question ill ask.
can you AT LEAST read the last thing I wrote & tell me if thats even possible So I dont go about wasting my time downloading memory editors Risking getting a virus on my mothers computer.
Maybe a memory editor can find a value in memory and change it but I never tried it, don't know.
Thanks A lot Gintras, I Appreciate your help.
Try cheat Engine you can usually find it by searching "cheat engine" in google.
its a memory editor for flash games,you should be able to search for the value & change it to what you want & freeze it.
then use macro to auto click reload?

not sure if that will help but just a thought.Good luck!
this is a rough example just using the pages 1 of 1 on the post, you will have to rewrite it for the html you are using!

Htm el=htm("STRONG" "" "" win("Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") 0 4 0x21)
str s=el.Text
if s < 1
,key V
,goto top
,goto top

just goto the windows controls on the qm toolbar, then html element actions, then get text, then you can replace line 2 and 3 of my code!
what this is doing is getting the amount of a html number and compairing it to another number, if the amount drops below 1, then if I read your post right you use the spacebar to reload, it will reload for you, if the amount is more than 1 it will keep cycling every o,2 seconds till the amount is less than 1!
oh besure to use a macro so you can stop it!
hope this helps

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