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Array probs
i keep getting an error in this code can someone spot it?
keeps giving me "Error (RT) in Macro: invalid index"


here's the array init.

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ARRAY(str) e.create(0 0)
int x y z

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,for y 0 3
,,d.get(c 2 20)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 1]=d
,,d.get(c 21 82)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 2]=d
,,d.get(c 83 128)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 3]=d
why create(0 0) ?

Can be

ARRAY(str) e.create(3 4)


ARRAY(str) e.create(3 3)
e[y 0]=d


ARRAY(str) e.createlb(3 0 3 1)

or, if number of elements in right dimension initially is unknown

ARRAY(str) e.create(3 0)
e.redim(y+1) ;;resize right dimension
e[0 y]=d
i dont know how many elements i will need in each dimention so i thought 0's would make it "expandable". will it expand without adding special code?
No, to expand rightmost dimension, use redim. Other dimensions cannot be expanded.
now i'm having a prob with a dimention error.
so here's what i'm thinking this does.
it creates a virtual spreadsheet with 3 columns (0,1, and 2) with as many rows as there are lines in str b (which is equal to z). then parses out one line at a time and a certian number of characters putting them into each of the 3 columns then moving down a row.

is that correct?

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ARRAY(str) e.create(z z z)
foreach(c b)
,for y 0 z
,,d.get(c 2 19)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 1]=d
,,d.get(c 22 55)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 2]=d
,,d.get(c 82 45)
,,d.trim(" ")
,,e[y 3]=d
If it is array of two dimensions, then create must have two arguments, not three. First argument is the number of elements in first dimension, second argument is the number of elements in second dimension (can be 0 if later you will use redim).

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str b.getmacro("WinTypes")
str c d
int y z

ARRAY(str) e.create(3 z) ;;3 columns, z rows
foreach(c b)
,d.get(c 2 19)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[0 y]=d
,d.get(c 22 55)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[1 y]=d
,d.get(c 82 45)
,d.trim(" ")
,e[2 y]=d

int i
for i 0 e.len
,out "''%s'' ''%s'' ''%s''" e[0 i] e[1 i] e[2 1]
AAAahhhhh...."3 columns, z rows".....
i thought i was setting the number of rows in each dimention with each number! :roll:
well that should certianly change things!


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