Generally, This question would be for Gintaras, but anyone's help is appreciated...
I am working with a list of web links in Excel that are text only, not Links
and copying the text, and pasting into FireFox address bar, then clicking go.
Question is this, Is there a command to have QM WAIT for the status bar of the
browser to say Done before continuing?
I did not try but at least one of the following should work:
1. Wait for accessible object. Use the 'Find accessible object' dialog. To wait, specify a wait time in it. Tip: to search faster, click 'Options' and check 'search in reverse order'.
2. Wait for image. Use the 'Find image' dialog. Can wait for 'Done' text (as scanned image) or for the not busy wheel image.
Gintaras Wrote:I did not try but at least one of the following should work:
1. Wait for accessible object. Use the 'Find accessible object' dialog. To wait, specify a wait time in it. Tip: to search faster, click 'Options' and check 'search in reverse order'.
2. Wait for image. Use the 'Find image' dialog. Can wait for 'Done' text (as scanned image) or for the not busy wheel image.
Thanks Gintaras,
I implemented Both options, and they are working great !!
RECT v626_25 wait 0 S "Windows, controls.bmp" child(626 25 win("" "MozillaUIWindowClass")) v626_25 err ,out "Did Not Find" ,sDT.time("ddd',' MMM dd yyyy" "HH:mm:ss") ,out sDT ,end ;; for test only or next command if err found. out "Found it"
The Above is for FireFox...
Will Post code for IE, when my job completes. hock: [/img]