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"the parameter is incorrect" on ICsv
i keep getting this error when i try to place a multi-line string into a csv object. "Error (RT) in remove_duplicates:  0x80070057, The parameter is incorrect."
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ICsv csv._create

here is the string text, copy it to clipboard. the rror shows at line:  csv.FromString(s)

In the 70 's ,  when these conce pts were founded ,  the PIT 's were derived fr om  pa per charts , using only
In the 70 's ,  when these conce pts were founded ,  the PIT 's were derived fr om  pa per charts , using only
a "see -through ruler" and a sha rp pencil. With the advent ofthe  present charting  packages and the ease of
d rawing lines , it was found that th e very same conce pts that were used on daily charts , we re just as accurate
when used on  1 , 3 , 5  and 60  minute charts.  The  conce pts will be effective on any chart that has  cyclic
characteristics with enough volume to allow timely entri es and exits. The same conce
your string is not properly formatted for csv that is why you keep getting the error

from qm help
Quote:CSV is a simple text format used to store tables. Rows are separated by new lines, cells by commas. Values containing new lines, commas or double quotes are enclosed in double quotes. Double quotes are doubled. Spaces around commas and new lines are ignored. Example:
value1,value2, value3
"value, with, commas","value with ""quotes""","multiline
,rows with empty values,
The CSV file format is supported by many programs, including Microsoft Excel, and therefore can be used to exchange data between them.

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