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Using ChatGPT to Assist in Generating LA or QM Code

Some friends have mentioned suggestions related to ChatGPT in certain forum posts. Here, I would like to share some of my thoughts and also welcome discussions from everyone.

Through my extensive testing, I am amazed to find that ChatGPT is incredibly powerful. As long as I provide detailed and specific descriptions of the required functionality, it can generate the code I need, especially for PowerShell or C# code. Many times, it is almost 100% accurate.

However, ChatGPT seems to be less familiar with QM and LA, often providing unrelated or incorrect answers.

Based on these observations, I wonder if there is a solution to train ChatGPT in order to generate higher-quality QM or LA code.

Moreover, if feasible, LA/QM developers could wrap these functionalities into plugin form and sell them through a monthly subscription model to interested subscribers. There could be multiple tiers at different price points, with some levels offering technical support from developers.

Regarding programming support, this used to be impossible in the past as it would require a large number of technical support personnel if the number of subscribers and inquiries grew substantially. However, now it seems possible because the plugin itself generates code. User feedback and issues can be communicated to LA/QM developers for improvement and enhancement, greatly enhancing the programming experience.

In simple terms:

Changing from selling one-time software licenses to selling services based on monthly or yearly subscriptions.

These changes do not conflict with the current sales model of QM or the open-source nature of LA. They are offered in the form of plugins and can be authorized through online validation. There are different pricing levels and varying levels of technical support.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, I don't entirely agree that LA software should continue to be developed exclusively in an open-source manner. It is only natural for developing LA software to bring more revenue to developers.

The combination of LA/QM and ChatGPT presents numerous opportunities and possibilities.

Purchasing the ChatGPT API costs $20 per month, but with the mentioned plugin, I would rather spend $20 each month to subscribe to this plugin Big Grin . It offers great value for the price.
It would be great to have plugin modules similar to VSC, for example, to change the UI language, use various large models, and so on.
Using Windows API functions in QM code can look elegant, but sometimes there can be a bit of difficulty in converting the code of API functions into QM code
The content in the link below is excellent as a training resource for chatGPT, but there may be many other tasks to do as well.

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