09-12-2023, 06:33 PM
Although this doesn't really do anything useful, it may be helpful as an example of dynamically creating controls.
Best regards, burque505
// script "owned_d3.cs"
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
var rows = 0;
var b = new wpfBuilder("Select Sections").Width(185);
b.R.Add(out Button btn1, "Sections?").Add(out TextBox tb1).Width(80).Focus();
btn1.IsDefault = true;
btn1.ToolTip = "No. sections in field to right.";
tb1.ToolTip = "Enter number of sections." + Environment.NewLine + "Then press Enter or button.";
// Click handler: throw error if entry doesn't evaluate to int
btn1.Click += (o, e) => {
int value;
bool success = int.TryParse(tb1.Text, out value);
if (success) {
rows = tb1.Text.ToInt();
// https://www.libreautomate.com/cookbook/Dialog%20-%20owned%2C%20non-modal%20(don%27t%20wait).html
} else {
dialog.show("Error - not an integer!", title: "Error", secondsTimeout: 2);
tb1.Text = "";
if (!b.ShowDialog()) return;
void _Dialog2(Window owner) {
if (tb1.Text == "") {
dialog.show("Please select # of sections", title: "Error", secondsTimeout: 2);
var b = new wpfBuilder("Dynamic controls").WinSize(300);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// Add buttons
Button btnD = new Button();
btnD.Name = "btn_" + i.ToString();
btnD.Width = 80;
btnD.Height = 30;
btnD.Content = "Button " + (i + 1).ToString();
// Add textboxes
TextBox txtD = new TextBox();
txtD.Name = "txt_" + i.ToString();
txtD.Width = 200;
// Add simple functionality
btnD.Click += (o, e) => btnTestClick(o, txtD, btnD);
// Add dynamically created controls to window
// see https://www.libreautomate.com/cookbook/Dialog%20-%20owned%2C%20non-modal%20(don%27t%20wait).html
var w = b.Window;
w.Owner = owner;
tb1.Text = "";
// Click handler with simple code
void btnTestClick(Object o, TextBox textbox, Button btn) {
textbox.Text = "This text was added by " + btn.Content.ToString();
Best regards, burque505