01-29-2009, 09:47 AM
2014-01-12. Supports Unicode.
;Performance counter functions.
;Can be used, for example, to create performance triggers.
;The counters are the same as you can see in Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe).
;At first call Open. Then repeatedly call Query. The first Query does not get results.
#compile CPerformanceCounter
CPerformanceCounter c
c.Open("\LogicalDisk(C:)\% Disk Time") ;;logical disk C:
;c.Open("\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\% Disk Time") ;;all physical disks (the same as GetDiskUsage)
;c.Open("\Memory\Available MBytes") ;;free physical memory
;c.Open("\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Received/sec") ;;bytes received/s by all network adapters.
rep 3
,out c.Query
2014-01-12. Supports Unicode.