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Find pane — queries
When using the Find pane, if you put the text cursor inside the yellow-highlighted text (inside the code pane) and you type or paste something, the text remains yellow while expanding. e.g. you change "12" to "1abc2" and it remains yellow. Is this normal? In a macro code of about five lines long I was doing something with the "Highlight all" menu command and the whole code was highlighted but I don't know how to reproduce the latter. If it helps there were already highlighted strings in two or more lines, I think. Also - this seems more normal but I'm mentioning it just in case - if you change the text in the input field (child id = 1127) and click the "Find Text" button the program selects the string it should but leaves yellow the previous searched strings. e.g. you have all the "12" in the code pane highlighted with yellow. you input "for", you click, "for" becomes selected but all the "12" stay yellow.

Another thing, how can I use the sortcuts of the Find pane without opening the main pop-up menu everytime I press Alt in a combination with another key? Also, are there keyboard shortcuts for "Highlight all" and Clear highlighting"?

QM v2.4.0.3
OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Memory: 1024 MB (1016 MB system + 8 MB video)
Virtual Memory: 2.00 GB
CPU: 1.60 GHz
Yes, find-highlighting in QM is not perfect. In most cases it just highlights and forgets.

Quote:how can I use the sortcuts of the Find pane without opening the main pop-up menu everytime I press Alt in a combination with another key?
The keyboard shortcuts are to be used when the dialog is a floating window. Also I just now noticed that the F and R don't work even then, will need to fix it.

Quote:are there keyboard shortcuts for "Highlight all" and Clear highlighting"?
No. I recommend to check "Auto-highlight". Then almost will not need the shortcuts. To remove highlighting, clear or change text in the 1127 control, for example middle-click it.

Next QM version will update highlighting after changing text etc.
Thank you.
When you change from floating to non-floating (or vice versa) it preserves the text in the input controls but - when floating - if you press esc or click the close button the text will be erased next time you will recover the window.

When it is non-floating and you press esc nothing weird seems to happen. But if you have set the focus on an object of the Find pane (child id = 1127, child id = 1131, child id = 1214, child id = 1217, child id = 1129, child id = 1132 etc) and press Alt+F or Alt+R, the main menu will pop up and if you then press esc it will close and the respective action will be performed in the code pane (text selection or text replacement). :!: Then if you set focus on 1127 or 1131 controls and press esc the whole Find pane will disappear and only a grey rectangle will be left there. Confusedhock: :? Some of the info the status bar shows for this:

class = QM_Editor . styles = 0x17CF0000, 0x100
.. exe = QM .. child id = 2206 . class = QM_Scc . styles = 0x56000000, 0x10000

Then if you press either of the Find buttons or if you press Ctrl+F, the grey area remains there; it seems like you have to first make the output or the tips panes appear in order to be able to restore the Find pane the usual way.

After you fix it, if it is in the floating mode and the user presses esc, will it still loose the text in the controls, like it does now?

Have in mind that I might have done some inaccuracies.

P.S: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have the previously found text highlighted; with an option (a simple check box) for it to appear (but in a different colour) maybe it could have a practical use, e.g. to be able to see at the same time both the previous and the current strings of interest.
OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Memory: 1024 MB (1016 MB system + 8 MB video)
Virtual Memory: 2.00 GB
CPU: 1.60 GHz
In next QM will change Alt+F to Alt+I; Alt+R to Alt+L. Then will not conflict with menus. Also will not change focus on Alt+I or L, etc.
Thank you. Does the disappearance of the pane happen in your machine (I mean when it is non-floating)?
OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Memory: 1024 MB (1016 MB system + 8 MB video)
Virtual Memory: 2.00 GB
CPU: 1.60 GHz
Yes. I did not find a reason in QM. After Alt+F and Esc, on each Esc Windows tries to close the child dialog. Strange. But QM now will not allow it.
Yeah. Show them who the boss is. Smile
MS Windows should run inside (and under permission of) Quick Macros... Smile
OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Memory: 1024 MB (1016 MB system + 8 MB video)
Virtual Memory: 2.00 GB
CPU: 1.60 GHz

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