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How can I trigger on the creation of *any* window?
I'm trying to run a macro on the creation of *any* window:

I currently have my trigger set up as:


By which I'm trying to mean:

! (on the creation of a window)
$ (regex)
.* (any number of any characters)
$ (end of window name)

This simply doesn't work....

I've also tried:




going into the properties, and selecting/deselecting "When Created (can be invisible)" and a couple of times "Popup" (-- even though I'm not using it for dialog messages, I figured I'd try anyway) but to no avail.

and a few things that gave errors ( like !$* - nothing to duplicate... I'm still learning... :-) )

What I've had to do now is make another macro that triggers on:


and after I open the window, click off of it, then re-activate it, and the macro runs fine.

I'm running Version 2.1.1 on Windows XP SP1....

Any suggestions?
Is it for all windows?

QM window triggers don't evaluate empty window names, even if regular expression is set to match empty string. Many windows, when created, still don't have a name. Some of them are still without name when window is first time activated - the point when QM triggers evaluate window name. But most windows already have name at this point.
Excellent question. :-)

I was only trying it on the "Help" in Quickmacros itself (Just b/c that was a quick/easy way to make a new window) It *doesn't* work on that, but I just tried it on Excel (it worked), FireFox (it worked), Excel "Help" (it worked)...

Excellent! Thank-you!
I am to create a trigger for this window and cannot seem to get it to work.

I want the macro to automatically play once the QM window opens Cry

Please Help!
Paste this in the trigger field on the toolbar:

!v"" "QM_Editor"

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