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Programmatically rename a qm-item
In an attempt to improve housekeeping of my qm-items folders, I am in need to rename a qm-item using a macro. I understand that renaming is available through a menu command, but this cannot help in automating procedures. Furthermore, use of a newitem statement, to my best knowledge, it does not keep macro's date modified.

Any advice on the procedure to programmatically rename a qm-item will be much appreciated.
I don't know how it is possible with newiten, unless you create new item and delete old item.

This also is not perfect, because may stop working in the future.
Function QmItemRename
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function $oldName $newName [flags] ;;flags: 1 skip folders, 2 skip shared...

;Renames QM item.

;oldName - used to find the item. Can be name, path, GUID or +id, like with <help>qmitem</help>. Error if QM item not found.
;new name - new name. If not unique, adds a suffix, eg "Abc" -> "Abc2".
;flags - <help>qmitem</help> flags. Used when oldName is name or path.

;May stop working in some new QM version.
;Does nothing if the QM item is in a read-only folder, or is a read-only folder, or bad id.

int iid
if(oldName<0x10000) iid=oldName; else iid=qmitem(oldName flags)
if(!iid) end "QM item not found"

int c=id(2202 _hwndqm) ;;QM items tree view
NMTVDISPINFOW k.hdr.hwndFrom=c; k.hdr.idFrom=2202; k.hdr.code=TVN_ENDLABELEDITW
k.item.lParam=iid; k.item.pszText=@newName
SendMessageW(GetParent(c) WM_NOTIFY 2202 &k)
Dear Gintaras,

Thank you very much for your advice. I understand, that if it will stop working in a future version, it may be replaced by another appropriate code.

Best regards.

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