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Open file with different application than default

What would be the best and quickest way to open a file with a different application than the default one?  

Thank you.
Function OpenFileWith
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function $file $program

opt noerrorshere 1

run program F"''{_s.expandpath(file)}''"

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OpenFileWith "$my qm$\qm log.txt" "winword.exe"
Thank you

With the following code, you can open selected file with a different program than the default.

find Windows Explorer window
int hwnd=win("" "ExploreWClass")
if(!hwnd) hwnd=win("" "CabinetWClass")
if(!hwnd) end "folder window not found"
Get ShellBrowserWindow interface by enumerating shell windows
SHDocVw.ShellWindows sw._create
SHDocVw.ShellBrowserWindow b
foreach(b sw)
int hwnd2=b.HWND; err continue
if(hwnd=hwnd2) goto g1
get shell folder view document
Shell32.ShellFolderView sfw=b.Document
Shell32.FolderItem fi
enumerate selected items
foreach fi sfw.SelectedItems
out fi.Path
str SS=fi.Path
OpenFileWith SS "C:\Program Files\S\S.exe"

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