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AutoText, with extra spaces
I have defined the following AutoText, but after use, there are a lot more spaces, please see the picture Thanks in advance
Autotext Autotext
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code :sub.Sub1

#sub Sub1 m
;;Create integer variable h and get QM code edit control handle
;int h = id(2210 "Quick Macros")
;;Create integer variable y and assign 10
;int y = 10
;;Click 5 times, each time adding 16 to y
;rep 5
;,lef 50 y h
;,0.5 ;;wait 0.5 s
;,y + 16
;;Select text
;lef+ 20 15 h
;lef- 20 80 h
;;Restore mouse cursor position
key (_s)

In addition, I hope that developers can add hotkeys to AutoText, for example: ctrl+alt+shift+t. When I press the hotkey, I prompt for an abbreviation and prompt me save to an autotext file, it will be more convenient to use, thank you

My problem is solved and used    Smile

paste (_s)

In addition, I hope that developers can add hotkeys to AutoText, for example: ctrl+alt+shift+t. When I press the hotkey, I prompt for an abbreviation and prompt me save to an autotext file, it will be more convenient to use, thank you Idea

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When QM receives Enter after a rep line or after an indented line, it auto-indents the next line, that is why there are double tabs.  Try in notepad.

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