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Auto power on
Use a scheduled task, or

Function WakeUpAfter
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function# wakeUpAfterSeconds [flags] ;;flags: 1 turn on display, 2 sleep now, 4 hibernate now

;Waits wakeUpAfterSeconds seconds and then temporarily wakes up the computer
;from sleep (suspend, standby) or hibernate. When the caller macro ends, but
;not earlier than after 2 minutes, Windows again puts the computer into the
;sleep/hibernate state. However it doesn't if you use the physical mouse or
;keyboard. On some systems it also doesn't if a macro uses mouse/keyboard.
;This function must be called BEFORE putting the computer into the sleep state.
;Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (eg if it is not supported by the hardware).

;;put computer into sleep state, wait 1 minute, wake up, turn on display,
;;tell Windows to sleep again when the macro ends or after 2 minutes (which
;;is longer) unless you use mouse/keyboard during that time
;WakeUpAfter 1*60 1|2

long t=-wakeUpAfterSeconds*10000000 ;;negative - from now, positive - absolute
__Handle h=CreateWaitableTimer(0 0 0)
if(!SetWaitableTimer(h +&t 0 0 0 1)) ret ;;the 1 tells to wake up computer
if(flags&6) shutdown iif(flags&2 5 4)
wait 0 H h ;;wait for the timer
rep(30) 1; if(IsLoggedOn=1) break ;;wait for default desktop

;tell Windows to not sleep while the macro is running, and optionally to turn on display

ret 1

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