10-21-2008, 07:02 AM
thanks, I am getting closer, can you provide a real world example? for example, If I were trying to bring to focus an element on a qm forum page, I would use in IE the following:
Htm el=htm("INPUT" "search_keywords" "" win("Quick Macros Forum • View topic - Getting QM to see elements in Maxthon Browser main window - Maxthon Browser" "IEFrame") 0 2 0x121)
Can you provide actual line I would use in this macro to find the visible frame uusing your BringWindowToTop? I can't find anything in qm help to provide further info.. I am unclear on the Maxthon2_View" and "Maxthon2_Frame" references in your answer sorry to be dense, just need a little real world example, i think.
thanks again, and again compliiments on an amazing product.
Htm el=htm("INPUT" "search_keywords" "" win("Quick Macros Forum • View topic - Getting QM to see elements in Maxthon Browser main window - Maxthon Browser" "IEFrame") 0 2 0x121)
Can you provide actual line I would use in this macro to find the visible frame uusing your BringWindowToTop? I can't find anything in qm help to provide further info.. I am unclear on the Maxthon2_View" and "Maxthon2_Frame" references in your answer sorry to be dense, just need a little real world example, i think.
thanks again, and again compliiments on an amazing product.