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using astrix(*) in str only text
perfect thanks alot heres final code
str left=("*has left the Conference. ") ;; im trying to use the * here because the name changes everyperson that leaves but im not sure how to do it
str s sp diff
str sp.getwintext(child("" "Internet Explorer_Server" win("Conference:*" "YSearchMenuWndClass" "" 0x1) 0x1))
,s.getwintext(child("" "Internet Explorer_Server" win("Conference:*" "YSearchMenuWndClass" "" 0x1) 0x1))
,if(s.len>sp.len) diff.get(s sp.len)
,,if matchw(diff left)
,,,act id(225 win("Freind*" "YSearchMenuWndClass" "" 0x1))
,,,_s=diff; _s.setwintext(id(225 win("Freind*" "YSearchMenuWndClass" "" 0x1)))
,,,key X
,,,key Y
,,,goto start
,,else diff=""

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