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Merging multiple Excel files
This macro gets all xls files on the desktop, merges all except first and last row, and opens the output file in Excel. You need to edit it: set range of columns, and maybe something else.

Macro ExcelMergeFiles:
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typelib Excel {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 1.2 0 1

Excel.Application a._create ;;create new Excel instance
Excel.Worksheet ws=a.Workbooks.Add.Worksheets.Item(1) ;;create new workbook and get first worksheet
Excel.Range r_dest=ws.Range("A:C") ;;select first 3 columns. You need to change this.
int row_counter=1

;add all xls files that are on the desktop, in random order
Dir d; str sPath
foreach(d "$Desktop$\*.xls" FE_Dir)
,;out sPath
,ExcelStripAndAdd sPath r_dest row_counter

;;or, use list of files
;str sPath
;lpstr files=
;foreach sPath files

,;ExcelStripAndAdd sPath r_dest row_counter

;show Excel. You will need to save (in some other folder).

Function ExcelStripAndAdd:
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function $source_file Excel.Range&r_dest int&row_counter

Excel.Workbook wb._getfile(source_file) ;;open file in background
Excel.Worksheet ws=wb.Worksheets.Item(1) ;;get first worksheet
Excel.Range used_range=ws.UsedRange ;;get used range
Excel.Range row_src row_dest
int i

for i 2 used_range.Rows.Count ;;all rows except top row and bottom row
,row_src=used_range.Rows.Item(i) ;;get source row
,row_dest=r_dest.Rows.Item(row_counter) ;;get destination row (initially empty)
,row_dest.Value=row_src.Value ;;copy

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