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Implementing If...Else on Web Page
Tried but QM seems to jump to the next line after sel group of codes (i.e., to w6).
I have added the codes before and after the codes in question for you reference.
Does the codes after each case need to be intended further...

Macro RO Sales gDN
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,;;Click Next
,Htm e15=htm("INPUT" "_ctl0_cphMain_btnNext" "" w4 "0" 55 0x121 3)
,wait 3
,int w3=win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
,str s.getwintext(w3)
,sel s 2
,,case "Question Time! -*"
,,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x121 3)
,,wait 0.25
,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,,case "select_product -*"
,,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w3 "0" 15 0x121 3)
,;wait 30 WT w4 "view_policy_details - Windows Internet Explorer"
,int w6=wait(30 WC win("view_policy_details - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
Best Regards,

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