03-03-2017, 10:13 PM
Macro Word find and highlight
;/exe 1
typelib Word {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 8.0
Word.Application app._getactive ;;connect to Word. Note: need the /exe 1.
Word.Document doc=app.ActiveDocument
str s=doc.Content.Text
;out s
s.findreplace("[13]" "[10]") ;;Word text newlines are [13]
str rx=
ARRAY(POINT) a; int i
if(!findrx(s rx 0 4 a)) end "failed, probably incorrect regular expression"
;out a.len
for i 0 a.len
,VARIANT v1(a[0 i].x) v2(a[0 i].y)
,doc.Range(v1 v2).HighlightColorIndex=Word.wdYellow
;main_function Word find and highlight
;exe_file $my qm$\Word find and highlight.qmm
;flags 6
;guid {9C4658F9-BB16-4496-86C2-402388738F60}