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character % in text
Macro Macro1006
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;change this code

str chars="人 有 我 他 这 个 们 中 来 上 大 为 和 国 地 到 以 说 时"
str text.getsel


;optionally change this code

int needHTML=0 ;;set to 1 if need HTML

str s ;;all output will be stored into this variable
str sfmt ;;found text formatting
str footer ;;footer
,s="<>" ;;formatted output
,sfmt="<color ''0x80E0''>%s</color>" ;;0x80E0 is color value; see out help
,s="<html>[]<head>[]<meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=utf-8''>[]</head>[]<body>[]" ;;header
,sfmt="<font color=''#E08000''>%s</font>"


;don't change this code

BSTR bchars(chars) btext(text) ;;convert to UTF-16 because manipulating UTF-8 is difficult because of variable character width
str si.all(btext.len 2 0) ;;shadow of btext. 0-s for nonfound characters, 1 for found
ARRAY(str) astat.create(bchars.len) ;;character statistics
int i n nn
word* w w0=btext
for i 0 bchars.len ;;for each character in chars
,int c=bchars[i]
,if(c=' ') continue ;;skip spaces
,for n 0 1000000000 ;;for each instance of the character in text
,,w=wcschr(w c); if(!w) break ;;find UTF-16 character
,,si[w-w0/2]=1 ;;set 1 for found characters
,,lpstr s1=+&c
,,astat[i].format("%9i %s (%.2f %%)" n _s.ansi(s1) 100.0*n/btext.len)
;out nn ;;see total number of found characters

;format output with colors
int ip ;;prev start of found or nonfound characters
for i 0 si.len
,if(!si[i]) continue
,;start of found characters
,n=i-ip; if(n) s+_s.ansi(&btext[ip] -1 n) ;;add prev nonfound characters
,for i i si.len
,,if(si[i]) continue
,,;start of nonfound characters
,,n=i-ip; s.formata(sfmt _s.ansi(&btext[ip] -1 n)) ;;add prev found characters

n=i-ip; if(n) s.formata(iif(si[ip] sfmt "%s") _s.ansi(&btext[ip] -1 n)) ;;remainder

;character statistics
_s.formata("[]Total %i (%.2f %%)" nn 100.0*nn/btext.len)
if(needHTML) _s.findreplace("[]" "[]<br>")


out s

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