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passing parameters from 1 exe file to another
I have 2 (Quick Macro) exe files, A and B. I initiate A, and A initiates B, via a run command. When A is initiated, it opens an input box in which I insert a number.
My question is the following:
When B is initiated by A, I would like it to get the same number I gave to A. But I don't understand (and I tried help and forum) how is it done. How do I pass over parameters from one exe file to another exe file?
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str s
inp- s
run "$my qm$\Macro678.exe" s

;main_function  Macro679
;exe_file  $my qm$\Macro679.exe
;icon  $qm$\macro.ico
;manifest  $qm$\default.exe.manifest
;flags  6
;end_hotkey  0
;guid  {67C0F6CB-FCB1-4CEB-97F7-CB131F7DEF1F}

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str s=_command
mes s

;main_function  Macro678
;exe_file  $my qm$\Macro678.exe
;icon  $qm$\macro.ico
;manifest  $qm$\default.exe.manifest
;flags  6
;end_hotkey  0
;guid  {B97FFA0D-B3A1-449E-A03C-E4A76006BB1B}
thanks a lot - it works! :-)
but now I would like to pass a couple of parameters
how would I do that??
There is no way to simply pass multiple variables to an exe.

Exe1 can format command line with multiple variables (format()), and let exe2 parse it (tok()).

Or use a variable of an user-defined type. Let exe1 convert it to string (setstruct()), and let exe2 convert the string to variable (getstruct()).

Or exe1 can write the variables to the registry (rset()), and let exe2 get them from there (rget()). This probably is the simplest.
thank you for offering that often 3 different solutions for one problem - it is very useful!
I, by the way, hesitate to mess up too much with the registry
I chose the first solution you offered, and found it very easy to understand and apply

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