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Getting QM to see elements in Maxthon Browser main window
I am trying to get QM to recognize/react to a web page becoming active in Maxthon Browser. The browser has an explorer bar on the left side that users can build script apps within. While QM can see items in the main browser window when building the macro, it can never find the item when actually running; it only appears to look in the left-hand explorer bar window for items. Can you advise how to get QM to recognize HTML elements, etc that reside in a web page in the main explorer window? It's not a frame issue in the HTML sense; any help would be appreciated.
It is because in Maxthon the visible tab is not the topmost tab in Z order. htm searches only in the first found tab, and it is the topmost tab in the Z order.

To make the visible tab topmost, insert this before:
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BringWindowToTop child("" "Maxthon2_View" win("" "Maxthon2_Frame"))

The child function works better. It finds the first visible child window.

Also execute this to make the Test button work.

This is for Maxthon 2.
thanks, I am getting closer, can you provide a real world example? for example, If I were trying to bring to focus an element on a qm forum page, I would use in IE the following:

Htm el=htm("INPUT" "search_keywords" "" win("Quick Macros Forum • View topic - Getting QM to see elements in Maxthon Browser main window - Maxthon Browser" "IEFrame") 0 2 0x121)

Can you provide actual line I would use in this macro to find the visible frame uusing your BringWindowToTop? I can't find anything in qm help to provide further info.. I am unclear on the Maxthon2_View" and "Maxthon2_Frame" references in your answer sorry to be dense, just need a little real world example, i think.

thanks again, and again compliiments on an amazing product.
BringWindowToTop child("" "Maxthon2_View" win("" "Maxthon2_Frame"))
Htm el=htm("INPUT" "search_keywords" "" win("Quick Macros Forum • View topic - Getting QM to see elements in Maxthon Browser main window - Maxthon Browser" "Maxthon2_Frame") 0 2 0x121)

Maybe you use older Maxthon version. Now Maxthon window class is Maxthon2_Frame, not IEFrame.
Very nice-Works great in Maxthon 2 - just for my knowledge, I get that "maxthon2_frame" is "ieframe" in maxthon v1, is there an equivalent for "Maxthon2_View" for maxthon v1? I assume that otherwise, the BringWindowToTop line is the same, correct?

THanks again, and again congrats on a superb product; best investment I've made online.
Yes, for v1 only change the class name. But I don't know what it is. You can find it using QM 'Explore windows' dialog. Using the Drag picture find Internet Explorer_Server child window. The class name will be of some of its ancestors.

Or instead of BringWindowToTop find Internet Explorer_Server child window and then use the handle with htm. Also add flag 16.

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int ies=child("" "Internet Explorer_Server" win("" "IEFrame"))
Htm el=htm("A" "Quick*" "" ies 0 14 0x21|16)

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