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How to lock window to the certain position
Sometimes I move the windows on my desktop accidentaly - I hit them with mouse and drag or move on another way. Main idea is that the move was not intended. So I want that every window stays there where they are placed. Is there similar command for disabling moving windows like "ont" and "ont-" is for "Always on top" mode?

Of course is possible to save window position and further to check if window position is the same. But if there's special command for disabIing moving I would rather use that.
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It disables left mouse button down event on a window caption and then you cannot drag windows.
Thanks, Gintaras. There's one problem - some windows can be moved by clicking mouse left button down on entire window area.

There is a bug: while I am draging one window to another place and second window activates itself. Then if I want to perform left mouse click to second window the result is that first window moves itselt from placed location to the place where I clicked on second window. I want to disable that bug.
Found in QM Help "SaveMultiWinPos/RestoreMultiWinPos". They are using 2 parameters: $name and $windowlist but there is no help about those commands.

$name = Probably name of the set of the windows ?
$windowlist = array of set hwnd-s?
To get help, type or click SaveMultiWinPos in macro and press F1.

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