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Seeking advice on OnScreenDisplay
Suppose that you run the code :

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OsdClose "osd_inm"
OsdClose "osd_sub"
OnScreenDisplay "Category" -1 10 10 "Times New Roman" 11 0x6030CF 1 "osd_inm" 0xCFEAEB 500
OnScreenDisplay "Subject" -1 10 35 "Arial" 7 0xFF0000 1 "osd_sub" 0xCFEAEB 500
OsdClose "osd_inm"
OsdClose "osd_sub"
OnScreenDisplay "Category-1" -1 10 10 "Times New Roman" 11 0x6030CF 1 "osd_inm" 0xCFEAEB 500
OnScreenDisplay "Innews_Subj-1" -1 10 35 "Arial" 7 0xFF0000 1 "osd_sub" 0xCFEAEB 500

Then on the 3rd OnScreenDisplay execution (Category-1) this item loops 1000 and then it aborts on :

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rep(1000) if(v.created) break; else 0.01 ;;wait for window created because caller may need it immediately

Any advice is mostly welcome.

Should wait longer?
Dear Gintaras,

Thanks for your reply. I am wondering about the question mark (?) in your reply. I would appreciate it if you could kindly clarify. It is obvious that I am using the OnScreenDisplay version supplied in QM System Folder.

I think 10 s waiting is enough. Normally after 0.01 s the osd window is created. If there are such conditions that it is not created after 10 s (100% CPU, low memory), the 0.01 actually will be much longer...
Dear Gintaras,

I have analysed the situation, but I still have some difficulty in formulating a smart solution. Specifically :

osd_close :

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int h
    h=win(osdid "QM_OSD_Class")
    if(h) clo h; err
        h=win("" "QM_OSD_Class")
        if(!h) break
        clo h; err

should wait before exiting, namely after statement
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if(h) clo h; err

for OSD_Main to cnclude the execution of the relevant thread, before entering into a new one, indeed with the same name. Therefore, OSD_Main, right after MessageLoop, it should send a message to OSD_Main for the relevant thread :

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err+ ;;out _error.line

I tried to use the method of setting events. It worked partially. My problem is that I do not know how to communicate the thread name (namely "osd_inm" and/or "osd_sub") between these two routines.

Any advice is mostly appreciated.
I don't understand. Look in OsdHide function, it closes the windows differently.
Many thanks, it is perfect with OsdHide. I am sorry, unfortunately I was using OsdClose since a couple of years.

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