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True Mouse Chords
I use a image application where the program assigns different functions to

Is it possible to have similar assignments in QM.... (I know there is functions for Mouse Chords on Forum in the past but these were Trigger (not right or left MB) and then a second button/key after a short delay.

I figure if this application can do true mouse chords then QM can probably can but maybe there is some barrier for general windows API versus within a specific application only?


Need to eat mouse down event, and if other button not pressed during 1 s, resend on button up. Mouse clicks will become slower. Is it OK? You can create such system using QM mouse triggers, global variables, ifk. Then problems with drag drop, etc...
#3 it working...
it's strange though...

it won't work if I have Eat checked....
if I trigger off a RMB click, then it won't let me test ifk((2)) only ifk((1)) i.e. LMB
and vice versa if I trigger off a LMB click.
other than that, it's working pretty well.
also to avoid problems with drag and drop, I trigger of of RMB which is not used for much else than a rt click menu in the application I am I just kill that menu with a quick 'Z

thanks again!
In Options uncheck low level mouse hook, then ifk will work.

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