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Implementing If...Else on Web Page

Kindly advise on how to use a if...else condition on checking for 2 web pages.
Depending on the previous web page, 1of the 2 web page comes through.
This is how I manage as of now:
Macro RO Sales gDN
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,int w3=wait(10 WC win("Question Time! - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x121 3)
,,goto ncontinue
,wait 0.25
,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,int w5=wait(100 WC win("select_product - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w5 "0" 15 0x121 3)
Best Regards,
If your macro works, and you just want to replace err goto to if:
Macro Macro2333
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,Htm e50=0
,int w3=wait(10 WC win("Question Time! - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
,if(w3) e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x101 3) ;;note: removed flag 32 (error if not found)
,if e50
,,wait 0.25
,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,int w5=wait(100 WC win("select_product - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w5 "0" 15 0x121 3)
Hi Gintaras,

Yes, I need to do away with goto and err.

I tried your code.
However, I need the if to check whether the new web page is w3 or w5.
if w3 then execute e50 & e22
elseif w5 then execute e18.

Could you re-advise me on this.

Best Regards,
try this

Macro Macro2333
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,int w3=win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
,str s.getwintext(w3)
,sel s 2
,,case "Question Time! -*"
,,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x121 3)
,,wait 0.25
,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,,case "select_product -*"
,,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w3 "0" 15 0x121 3)
Tried but QM seems to jump to the next line after sel group of codes (i.e., to w6).
I have added the codes before and after the codes in question for you reference.
Does the codes after each case need to be intended further...

Macro RO Sales gDN
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,;;Click Next
,Htm e15=htm("INPUT" "_ctl0_cphMain_btnNext" "" w4 "0" 55 0x121 3)
,wait 3
,int w3=win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
,str s.getwintext(w3)
,sel s 2
,,case "Question Time! -*"
,,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x121 3)
,,wait 0.25
,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,,case "select_product -*"
,,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w3 "0" 15 0x121 3)
,;wait 30 WT w4 "view_policy_details - Windows Internet Explorer"
,int w6=wait(30 WC win("view_policy_details - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
Best Regards,
Indentation is correct. To see what is browser window name, after the getwintext line insert line
,out s
If name does not begin with "Question Time! -" or "select_product -", need to change something.
Or run the macro in debug mode. In QM press F5, F5, F5...
Yes, you were right.
The web page uses the name "Client Details -*"
However it uses "Client Details -*" for both "Question Time" and "select_product"
But the name shown on the web page title bar is "Question Time" and "select_product"
How would QM differentiate...
I guess now the logic should be 'with same page...'
if e50 then and

Am I right?
Best Regards,
Macro Macro2333
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,int w3=win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x101)
,if e50 ;;page "Question Time! -*"
,,wait 0.25
,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w3 "0" 15 0x101)
,,if e18 ;;page "select_product -*"
,,,mes "error"

this also waits, max 5 s
Macro Macro2333
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,int found=0
,int w3=win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
,rep 10
,,Htm e50=htm("INPUT" "rbnTrue1" "" w3 "0" 3 0x101)
,,if e50 ;;page "Question Time! -*"
,,,wait 0.25
,,,Htm e22=htm("INPUT" "btnSubmit" "" w3 "0" 5 0x121 3)
,,,found=1; break
,,,Htm e18=htm("INPUT" "btnNext" "" w3 "0" 15 0x101)
,,,if e18 ;;page "select_product -*"
,,,,found=2; break
,if(!found) mes "error"
Object not found error at Htm e50=... line
Most of the time it is e18 if w3 explorer title is "select_product" but could be e50+e22 if w3 explorere title is "Question Time"
However, w3 is always "Client Details"
Best Regards,
I forgot to remove flag 32 - error if not found. Replace both 0x121 to 0x101.
Works like a breeze.

Could you explain why the rep 10 is used here...
Best Regards,
To wait if not found immediately. Use code without rep if don't need to wait.

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