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about QM3 Some suggestions
The translated file comes from the following link. Previous versions were located in the installation folder of LA. Most of the text I translated is comments in the code, as shown in the figure below.
In next LA a script that can intercept and replace recipe text. Example:

Copy      Help
// script ""
/*/ role editorExtension; testInternal Au.Editor; r Au.Editor.dll; /*/

EditorExtension.WindowReady += () => {
    Panels.Recipe.OpeningRecipe = e => {; //recipe name; //recipe parts (text, code, text, code...)

I tested it with Google Translate. The script works well, translates almost instantly. However the translation quality is bad. Many words are translated incorrectly. ChatGPT just slightly better.
I tried using chatGPT for translation, and the results were excellent.
Machine translation may have some errors, manually correct them when errors are found.
Idea If there is a folder with the same name as cookbook.db in the installation directory, the articles in that folder will be prioritized for display in LA.
In LA 1.1 already possible to intercept and replace cookbook recipe text.
After connecting my high-resolution laptop to a desktop via Remote Desktop, the text cursor position in PowerShell ISE has shifted, and additionally, the editing options in the right-click menu are inaccessible.
#21 Bug
When capturing controls using Ctrl+Shift+E in Google Chrome, the error shown in the figure below often occurs, leading to LA crashing and exiting.
Does it happen when closing the Find UI element window? I noticed it recently too. It's a WPF bug, and I'm trying to find a workaround.
Quote:Does it happen when closing the Find UI elementwindow?


#62 post
The black box often appears, which shouldn't be a hardware issue. Whenever I drag the right border to change its width, the black box disappears
#22 Enhanced Functionality:
In the options panel, add an option: automatically format when pasting code, press Ctrl+z to revert to the unformatted code.
The combination Ctrl+Shift+E is pressed to open multiple capture element dialog boxes. It should be only one?
Quote:Start hidden; hide when closing

Can this option be split into two?
I need: When clicking the close button of LA, minimize to the icon in the bottom right corner instead of exiting the LA program.
24 - start LA with command line /v
Clicking on the output folder link in the output pane will continuously open new windows.
Suggestion: If the window is already open, simply activate it instead.

How to localize the prompt text below the dialog?
For a simple message box: Is it possible to add properties for the width and height of the dialog, and resizable properties?
Additionally, the text inside the message box should allow for selecting portions of text and right-clicking to copy.

These functionalities can be very useful in certain situations.
Suggestion: When manually adjusting the height of the information output column to two lines of text, the control information will automatically be displayed on the right side of the first line, similar to QM.
27. In next LA: right-click in the Mouse panel and check Single line.
Display all on a single line? Two lines might be more appropriate
More lines if need to wrap.
26. In next LA:

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dialog.options.timeoutTextFormat = "Užsidarom po {0} s.";"", secondsTimeout: 5);

dialog.options.timeoutActionTextFormat = "Tada: {0}.";
var d = new dialog();
d.SetTimeout(5, "bus blogai");

Resizable, selection, etc - no.
The text font size in the dialog box is too large, and the width is a bit narrow. The following image shows a comparison between QM and LA.
Quote:dialog.options.timeoutTextFormat = "Užsidarom po {0} s.";"", secondsTimeout: 5);
It would be better if the parameters above could be changed within a single line of code's properties, as it's less convenient within multiple lines of code.
The message box of QM will automatically adjust the width of the dialog box based on the amount of text in it.
In comparison, as shown in the figure below, the font size of the text in the LA message box is too large, and the dialog box width is not automatically adjusted, while the text of QM is relatively smaller, making it more appropriate to take the font size between them.
It's a limitation of the Windows TaskDialog API.
The large-font text should be short. Place long text in the small text field (parameter text2).
Also there is a flag to make the window wider.
thank you! Got it done!
The generated EXE file cannot start if the file name is modified (DLL file name is also changed accordingly). Is there a solution for this?
Don't rename dlls.
When no text is selected, clicking the copy button will copy all text in the output pane.
In the new menu, support for adding Markdown files is provided.
It would be even better if simple syntax highlighting is supported. Markdown is very popular, and this way, syncing MD files to a GitHub repository would be very convenient.
"New text file" means "any file". In file name replace txt with md.
It would be better if there were syntax coloring. It seems SCI has many syntax coloring templates for programming languages.

it is indeed very practical. Languages like PowerShell, Markdown, Python, etc.
When the EXE icon is not set, is the displayed image different from the original script icon? Is this normal?

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