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07-08-2024, 02:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2024, 02:46 AM by Davider.)
My portable LA version is V0.1, and I want to update it to the latest version.
I don't want to modify the existing script code and files, I just need to update the LA program. How should I proceed?
If provide a direct download of the portable LA version, it seems more convenient for updating. I only need to replace the files.
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Check Replace program files in the portable setup dialog. It is visible when the folder already exists.
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07-08-2024, 04:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2024, 04:19 AM by Davider.)
It seems that the settings for LA are not separated or independent.
I am confused about the output information. Some settings are not synchronized with the portable LA version, so I have to manually operate them.
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The "Moving old data folder" can be confusing. Actually the old data remains. Just moves temporarily to a temp folder and then back, because the data folder is in the program files folder which is replaced.
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Thank you for your explanation.
The UI layout settings and option settings of the LA have not been copied over in synchronization.
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It is part of data, not program files. Do you want to copy settings but not workspace files?
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Option settings + workspace
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The files in Main\.nuget are too large.
In most cases, I only need to copy .settings, settings.json, files, and files.xml.
Suggestion: Please add additional checkboxes as shown in the follow
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// script "dev DPortable.cs"
/// In next LA this code will be used for menu Tools > Portable. Now you can use this script instead.
/// Many improvements. Updates much faster; copies only new and modified files.
/// This feature has been removed: external data folder. If your portable data already is in an external folder, the new code will use it. Or, if you want, in the portable LA folder replace folder "data" with a symbolic link to an external folder: <c>filesystem.more.createSymbolicLink(@"D:\PortableApps\LibreAutomate\data", @"..\..\Documents\LibreAutomate", CSLink.Directory);</c>. Symbolic links can be created in NTFS filesystem but not in exFAT.
/// This script does not save "Skip folders" settings. Next LA will save.
/*/ role editorExtension; define SCRIPT; testInternal Au,Au.Editor,Au.Controls; r Au.Editor.dll; r Au.Controls.dll; /*/
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Au.Controls;
class DPortable : KDialogWindow {
public static void ShowSingle() {
if (App.IsPortable) {
dialog.showError("Portable mode", "Please restart this program in non-portable mode.", owner: App.Wmain);
ShowSingle(() => new DPortable());
string _dirPortableApp = App.Settings.portable_dir;
string _dirThisApp = folders.ThisApp;
string _dirNet = folders.NetRuntime;
string _dirNetDesktop = folders.NetRuntimeDesktop;
string _dirScriptDataLocal = folders.ThisAppDataLocal + "_script";
string _dirScriptDataRoaming = folders.ThisAppDataRoaming + "_script";
string _dirThisAppDocuments = folders.ThisAppDocuments;
string _dirWorkspace = App.Model.WorkspaceDirectory;
bool _exists, _copyPF, _copyWs, _copyDoc;
string _skipDirsWs, _skipDirsDoc, _skipDirsApp;
DPortable() {
//test with smaller folders
_dirThisApp = folders.ProgramFiles + "LibreAutomate";
_dirWorkspace = folders.ThisAppDocuments + "Main";
(string[] portable_skip, int _) sett = default;
var sett = App.Settings;
if (sett.portable_skip.Lenn_() != 3) sett.portable_skip = [".git\r\n\\exe", ".git", "\\Git"];
if (_dirPortableApp.NE() && folders.RemovableDrive0.Path is string drive) App.Settings.portable_dir = _dirPortableApp = drive + @"PortableApps\LibreAutomate";
if (filesystem.more.comparePaths(_dirThisApp, _dirNet) is CPResult.Same or CPResult.AContainsB) _dirNet = _dirNetDesktop = null;
if (!filesystem.exists(_dirScriptDataLocal).Directory) _dirScriptDataLocal = null;
if (!filesystem.exists(_dirScriptDataRoaming).Directory) _dirScriptDataRoaming = null;
InitWinProp("Portable LibreAutomate setup", App.Wmain);
var b = new wpfBuilder(this).WinSize(500);
b.R.Add("Install in folder", out TextBox tDir).Focus().Validation(_ => _ValidateFolder());
b.R.StartStack(out KGroupBox gExists, "The folder already exists", vertical: true);
gExists.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
b.Add(out KCheckBox cUpdatePF, "Update program files (LA, .NET)");
b.Add(out KCheckBox cUpdateWs, "Update workspace (scripts etc)");
b.Add(out KCheckBox cUpdateDoc, "Update settings and other data")
.Validation(_ => _exists && !cUpdatePF.IsChecked && !cUpdateWs.IsChecked && !cUpdateDoc.IsChecked ? "All 'Update' unchecked" : null);
b.R.StartGrid<KGroupBox>("Skip folders").Columns(-1, 20, -1, 20, -1);
var tSkipWs = _AddSkip(0, _dirWorkspace, "workspace");
var tSkipDoc = _AddSkip(1, _dirThisAppDocuments, "documents");
var tSkipApp = _AddSkip(2, _dirThisApp, "program");
TextBox _AddSkip(int dir, string linkPath, string linkName) {
if (dir > 0) b.Skip();
b.StartStack(vertical: true);
b.Add<TextBlock>().FormatText($"In <a href=\"{linkPath}\">{linkName}</a>");
b.Add(out TextBox t, sett.portable_skip[dir])
.Multiline(60, TextWrapping.NoWrap)
.Tooltip("These folders will not be copied. Existing folders will not be deleted or updated.\r\nExamples:\r\nDescendantFolderName\r\n\\DirectChildFolderName\r\n\\Folder1\\Folder2");
t.TextChanged += (_, _) => { sett.portable_skip[dir] = t.Text; };
return t;
b.AddButton("Print details", _ => _PrintDetails()).Width(100);
b.AddButton("Install", null, WBBFlags.OK);
b.AddButton("Cancel", null, WBBFlags.Cancel);
b.AddButton("Help", _ => HelpUtil.AuHelp("editor/Portable app")).Width(70);
tDir.TextChanged += (_, _) => {
App.Settings.portable_dir = _dirPortableApp = tDir.Text.Trim();
_exists = filesystem.exists(_dirPortableApp).Directory;
gExists.Visibility = _exists ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
tDir.Text = _dirPortableApp;
b.OkApply += e => {
_copyPF = !_exists || cUpdatePF.IsChecked;
_copyWs = !_exists || cUpdateWs.IsChecked;
_copyDoc = !_exists || cUpdateDoc.IsChecked;
_skipDirsWs = tSkipWs.Text;
_skipDirsDoc = tSkipDoc.Text;
_skipDirsApp = tSkipApp.Text;
Task.Run(() => {
try { _InstallThread(); }
catch (Exception e1) { dialog.showError(@"Failed", e1.ToString()); }
void _InstallThread() {
//using var p1 = perf.local();$"<><lc YellowGreen>{(_exists ? "Updating" : "Installing")} portable LibreAutomate. Please wait until DONE.<>");
if (_copyPF) _CopyPF();
if (_copyDoc || _copyWs) _CopyData();$"<>DONE. Installed in <link>{_dirPortableApp}<>.");
void _CopyPF() {
_Copy(_dirThisApp, _dirPortableApp, "/mir /xf unins* /xd dotnet data", _skipDirsApp);
if (_dirNet != null) {
var dotnet = _dirPortableApp + @"\dotnet";
_Copy(_dirNet, dotnet, "/e");
_Copy(_dirNetDesktop, dotnet, "/e");
void _CopyData() {
var data = _dirPortableApp + @"\data\";
if (_copyDoc && _dirScriptDataLocal != null) _Copy(_dirScriptDataLocal, data + @"AppLocal\_script", $"""/mir /xd "{_dirScriptDataLocal}\iconCache" """);
if (_copyDoc && _dirScriptDataRoaming != null) _Copy(_dirScriptDataRoaming, data + @"AppRoaming\_script", "/mir");
string portableWsName = pathname.getName(_dirWorkspace), portableWsPath = $@"{data}doc\{portableWsName}";
if (_copyDoc) _Copy(_dirThisAppDocuments, data + "doc", $"""/mir /xd "{_dirWorkspace}" "{portableWsPath}" """, _skipDirsDoc);
if (!_copyWs) _copyWs = !filesystem.exists(portableWsPath);
if (_copyWs) _Copy(_dirWorkspace, portableWsPath, $"""/mir /xd "{_dirWorkspace}\.compiled" "{_dirWorkspace}\.temp" """, _skipDirsWs);"Changing settings");
var file = data + @"doc\.settings\Settings.json";
var j = JsonNode.Parse(filesystem.loadBytes(file));
j["workspace"] = $@"%folders.ThisAppDocuments%\{portableWsName}";
filesystem.saveText(file, j.ToJsonString());
if (_copyWs) {
file = portableWsPath + @"\settings.json";
var s = filesystem.loadText(file);
s = s.Replace("\"gitBackup\": true", "\"gitBackup\": false");
filesystem.saveText(file, s);
static void _Copy(string dir, string dirTo, string how, string skipDirs = null) {
dir = pathname.unprefixLongPath(dir); //robocopy unaware about "\\?\"
dirTo = pathname.unprefixLongPath(dirTo);$"Copying {dir}");
var s = $"""
"{dir}" "{dirTo}" {how} /xj /r:0 /w:1 /np /mt{_GetSkipDirsCL()}
//info: the `/r:0` turns off the robocopy's slow and unreliable retries. Use this loop instead.
//tested: with `/mt` (multithreaded) faster eg 20 -> 17 s or 49 -> 31 s. Faster even if HDD.
for (int i = 0; ;) {
int r = run.console(out var so, "robocopy.exe", s);
//$"<><c red>{r}<>");;
if ((uint)r < 8) break;
if (++i == 5) {$"<><c red>Failed to copy '{dir}' to '{dirTo}'.<>\r\n<\a>{so}</\a>");
if (r == 16) throw new AuException();
//CONSIDER: options:
// 1. Keep new and newer portable files. (instead of /mir use /e /xo; or /mir /xo /xx)
// Bad: if both files modified...
// 2. Copy symbolic link target. And workspace link target.
string _GetSkipDirsCL() {
if (skipDirs == null) return null;
var a = skipDirs.Lines(noEmpty: true);
if (a.Length == 0) return null;
StringBuilder b = new(" /xd");
foreach (var s in a) {
//workaround for: robocopy does not support relative paths. Can be either filename or full path.
// If filename, skips all source and dest descendants with that name.
// To achieve the same with a relative path, specify full paths in both source and dest dir.
if (s.Starts('\\')) b.Append($" \"{dir}{s}\" \"{dirTo}{s}\"");
else b.Append($" \"{s}\"");
return b.ToString();
void _PrintDetails() {
long sizeProg = filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirThisApp);
long sizeNet = _dirNet == null ? 0 : filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirNet) + filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirNetDesktop);
long sizeScriptData = 0;
if (_dirScriptDataLocal != null) sizeScriptData += filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirScriptDataLocal);
if (_dirScriptDataRoaming != null) sizeScriptData += filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirScriptDataRoaming);
long sizeDoc = filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirThisAppDocuments);
bool wsInDoc = filesystem.more.comparePaths(_dirThisAppDocuments, _dirWorkspace) == CPResult.AContainsB;
long sizeWs = filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(_dirWorkspace); if (wsInDoc) sizeDoc -= sizeWs;
var b = new StringBuilder();
<><lc YellowGreen>Portable LibreAutomate setup details<>
Total size: {_MB(sizeProg + sizeNet + sizeScriptData + sizeDoc + sizeWs)} MB.
Folder sizes (MB):
{"Program",-15} {_MB(sizeProg)}
{".NET Runtime",-15} {_MB(sizeNet)}
{"AppData",-15} {_MB(sizeScriptData)}
{"Documents",-15} {_MB(sizeDoc)}{(wsInDoc ? " (except workspace)" : null)}
{"Workspace",-15} {_MB(sizeWs)}
_BigFiles(_dirWorkspace, "workspace");
_BigFiles(_dirThisAppDocuments, "documents");
void _BigFiles(string dir, string name) {
var a = filesystem.enumDirectories(dir)
.Select(o => (o.Name, size: _MB(filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(o.FullPath))))
.Where(o => o.size > 0)
.Select(o => $"\t{o.Name,-15} {o.size}").ToArray();
if (a.Length > 0) b.AppendLine($"Big folders in <link {dir}>{name}<> (MB):").AppendJoin("\r\n", a).AppendLine();
var dirLib = _dirThisApp + @"\Libraries";
if (filesystem.exists(dirLib).Directory && _MB(filesystem.more.calculateDirectorySize(dirLib)) is int n1 && n1 > 0) {
b.AppendLine($"Some big folders in <link {_dirThisApp}>program<> folder (MB):\r\n\t{"Libraries",-15} {n1}");
static int _MB(long size) {
const long MB = 1024 * 1024;
//return (int)((size + MB / 2) / MB); //round
return (int)(size / MB);
void _Links(StringBuilder b) {
int n = 0;
foreach (var f in App.Model.Root.Descendants()) {
if (f.IsLink) {
if (n++ == 0) b.AppendLine("Links to external files and folders will be invalid on other computers:");
b.Append($"\t{(f.IsFolder ? "Folder " : null)}{f.SciLink(path: true)} -> <explore>{f.FilePath}<>\r\n");
string _ValidateFolder() {
if (_dirPortableApp.NE()) return "Where to install?";
//error if workspace is in portable folder (shared). Or part of it (link target).
if (filesystem.exists(_dirPortableApp)) {
bool bad = filesystem.more.comparePaths(_dirPortableApp, _dirWorkspace) is CPResult.AContainsB or CPResult.BContainsA or CPResult.Same;
if (!bad) {
foreach (var f in App.Model.Root.Descendants()) {
if (f.IsLink) {
var s = f.FilePath;
if (filesystem.more.comparePaths(_dirPortableApp, s) is CPResult.AContainsB or CPResult.BContainsA or CPResult.Same) {
if (!bad)"Links to portable:");
bad = true;$"<>{f.SciLink(path: true)} -> <explore>{s}<>");
if (bad) return "Current workspace or part of it is in the portable folder, or vice versa.";
return null;
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07-30-2024, 05:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 05:23 AM by Davider.)
I think the updates to options and UI layout should also be included in the first item, as shown in the following diagram.
If placed in the third item, we need to consider excluding certain files.
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