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Expanding MainFrame but not "child" window
I have opened up many windows within an application. I want to now maximize the app across 2 monitors before I re-arrange the windows.
But QM only seems to be recognizing specific subwindows which I have opened in the app.

max win("Cheshire™ - 031 0013 Wk24 T1 post gad" "CheshireMainFrame")

I have tried wildcarding the specific subwindow without success


max win("Cheshire*" "CheshireMainFrame")

Each time is says Error (RT)...: window not found

I have also tried the button Maximize to Desktop using Accessible objects without luck


Acc maxches=acc("Maximize to Desktop" "MENUITEM" win("" "CheshireMainFrame") "" "" 0x1101 0 -46)

This seems probably like a small syntax error on my part. Hope there is an easy solution.

In win(), to use * in text, add flag 1.

If main and sub window class and text are the same and QM finds a subwindow instead of main window, try to find a subwindow and then get owner window handle.

int hsub=win(...)
max GetWindow(hsub GW_OWNER)
Hi Gintaras,
Thank you again.
I will try and implement your suggestions. Any good reading suggestions in addition to the help menus for using window handles. That seems to be the real challenge for all my applications.

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