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Dialogs: Pressing enter-key
When I have (smart) dialog and press the enter key, it closes the dialog. I want that enter key does just same as pressing main button(i.e. "Send")..
Return 0 on IDOK.

,case IDOK
Doesn't work.. And if I put some thing like:
Copy      Help
,case IDOK
,mes "test"
I get no message box..
Add OK button.
Gintaras Wrote:Add OK button.
How I make a button to be the OK?
it's kind of complicated to explain but if you go to "dialog editor" in the help, it will show you how to edit it.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
I found that OK button is always the id 1..

It has also 0x4 like cancel. Others have 0x0. What is that?
that's some windows thing.....that's the best i can do...."windows thing".
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
In dialogs, buttons with id 1 (IDOK) and 2 (IDCANCEL) are special buttons. They are related with Enter and Esc keys and with closing the dialog. If you removed them, you can add them in Dialog Editor.

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