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I'm trying:

Macro Macro22
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str f=""
out IntGetFileSize(f)

Error (RT) in Macro22: unknown size.

Is there another way?
Because file size was more than int range. This version supports any file size. Returns long, not int.

Function IntGetFileSize
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function'long $url [inetflags]

;Returns internet file size.

;url - file URL.
;inetflags - optional dwFlags argument for InternetOpenUrl API.

;Sends request to download the file, but gets only response headers, not whole file.
;Error if fails, or if file size is not specified in response headers (no Content-Length header).

#opt nowarnings 1
Http http
__HInternet hi=InternetOpenUrl(http.hinternet(1) url 0 0 inetflags 0); if(!hi) end "failed"
_s.all(30); _i=30
if(!HttpQueryInfo(hi HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH _s &_i 0)) end "unknown size"
ret val(_s.fix 1)

Is possible to get 'Last modified' of file?
Function IntGetLastModified
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function'DateTime $url [inetflags]  ;;flags: convert UTC/GMT to local time

;Returns internet file Last-Modified date.

;url - file URL.
;inetflags - optional dwFlags argument for InternetOpenUrl API.

;Sends request to download the file, but gets only response headers, not whole file.
;Error if fails, or if there is no Last-Modified header.
;The date is in GMT time zone, which is the same as UTC. Use UtcToLocal if need your local time, see example.

;DateTime t=IntGetLastModified("")
;out t.ToStr

#opt nowarnings 1
Http http
__HInternet hi=InternetOpenUrl(http.hinternet(1) url 0 0 inetflags 0); if(!hi) end "failed"
SYSTEMTIME st; _i=sizeof(st)
if(!HttpQueryInfo(hi HTTP_QUERY_LAST_MODIFIED|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_SYSTEMTIME &st &_i 0)) end "unknown Last-Modified"
DateTime r.FromSYSTEMTIME(st)
ret r
Function IntGetLastModifiedString
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function'str $url [inetflags]

;Returns internet file Last-Modified date as raw header string.

;url - file URL.
;inetflags - optional dwFlags argument for InternetOpenUrl API.

;Sends request to download the file, but gets only response headers, not whole file.
;Error if fails, or if there is no Last-Modified header.

#opt nowarnings 1
Http http
__HInternet hi=InternetOpenUrl(http.hinternet(1) url 0 0 inetflags 0); if(!hi) end "failed"
_s.all(300); _i=300
if(!HttpQueryInfo(hi HTTP_QUERY_LAST_MODIFIED _s &_i 0)) end "unknown Last-Modified"
ret _s.fix
Thanks again.

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