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Using F10 for trigger
Hello everybody,

is it a problem when i assign the F10 Key as a trigger if the programm that i use uses F10 as a shortcut? I found out that (i tested this with my passwordmanaging tool "Password Depot") that this programm uses F10 to open the Options as a shortcut, but i rater would rather have QM - within Password Depot- execute a step of commands. I saw that the macro of QM gets executed and supresses the opening of the options menu. So from that perspective it everything is fine.

My question is now - is that good for system stability or is in the background Password depot trying to open options a thousand times and QM always blocking this. Is this recommended?
I´m asking this because my machine got quite slow when i first tested this - but that might be by chance.

It is good for stability. Password Depot then does not know about pressed F10.
O.K. cool. Thanks for the fast answer!

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