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Excel to HTML and back

I started using quick macros for a short amount of time and have hit a road block.
I want the macro to do the following from a excel:
- take a cell from a row and copy it into HTML box
- take the resulting information and copy it to the corresponding cell on the next row.
- repeat this until there is no value in the first row then stop
Macro Macro2795
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;get all used cells from Excel row 1:1 to array variable a
ARRAY(str) a
ExcelSheet e.Init
e.CellsToArray(a "1:1")

;activate web browser and get its window handle
int w=act(win("Firefox" "MozillaWindowClass"))

;for each cell
int i
for i 0 a.len(1)
,;find HTML edit box accessible object. To create this example code I used dialog 'Find accessible object'.
,Acc a1.FindFF(w "INPUT" "" "name=keywords" 0x1004 3)
,;set keyboard focus
,;input cell text
,key (a[i 0])
,;here add code that creates the resulting information
,;then find accessible object that contains the resulting information
,;Acc a2.Find...
,;get the resulting information into an array variable (here I use the same variable)
,;a[i 0]=a2.Value

;copy cells from array a to Excel row 2:2
e.CellsFromArray(a "2:2")

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