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Use of DT_SetBackgroundColor for a control
I have two questions regarding the use of DT_SetBackgroundColor in a dialog, given that

Quote:DT_SetBackgroundColor(hDlg 0 0x00FFFF)
works properly for the dialog.

1. DT_SetBackgroundColor(id(4 hDlg 0) 0x00FFFF) does not work for a static control. I wonder about my error.

2. I wonder whether this statemnt (DT_SetBackgroundColor) can work for a button. I am aware of topic Rich Edit on Toolbar Buttons and Text

Many thanks in advance.
QM does not have functions to set dialog control colors.
Thank you very much. It is very likely that I misunderstood on what one reads in QM help file with lemma : DT_SetBackgroundColor :
Quote:Can be any window, not necessary a dialog

Nevertheless, I have used successfully DT_SetTextColor to set the color of the font in a dialog control (static & edit). I experienced that it does not work in the case of the font of a button, for example OK or Cancel. Any comment on this will be appreciated.
Best regards.
Quote:Can be any window, not necessary a dialog

Not true. I forgot to remove this statement after changing function code. Or was asleep when doing copy/paste it from other function.

DT_SetTextColor can set color only of controls of these classes: Static, Edit, ListBox.

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