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Autotext - can I increase the width of the match window?
Let's imagine I type ser and then the trigger

Autotext Autotext - 2
Trigger $t     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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ser :"Servbot "
ser :"Servbot ()"

I'll get a list of two matches, but sometimes, the matches are quite long and get cut off because the list is not wide enough. Can I increase the width so I can see all the matches? Thanks.
Function autotext_menu_wider
Trigger !cv"" "QM_PopupList"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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;If need, makes wider the popup list of autotext items which is shown when multiple items match typed text.
;Runs when the popup list is shown. Need to assign this trigger: window created & visible, class QM_PopupList.

int w=TriggerWindow

int c=id(8888 w)
int wid1=SendMessage(c LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH 0 0)
int wid2=SendMessage(c LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH 0 0)
if wid2<=wid1
,SendMessage(c LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH 0 wid1)

RECT r; GetWindowRect w &r
int plus=r.right-r.left-wid1
int wid3=wid2+plus

;limit in work area
int xWA widWA; GetWorkArea xWA 0 widWA 0 0 w; xWA+100; widWA-200
int dif=wid3-widWA
if dif>0
,wid3-dif; wid2-dif
,SendMessage(c LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH 0 wid2)
dif=r.right-(xWA+widWA); if(dif>0) r.left-dif; r.right-dif

MoveWindow w r.left r.right-r.left 1
GetClientRect w &r
MoveWindow c 0 0 r.right r.bottom 1
Thank you, Gintaras. It works perfectly.

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