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Selecting website Combobox item by index
Hey guys, I am having some trouble finding an answer for this in the forums. Please correct me if there is already an answer.

I am trying to run a loop to download pdf's from a website by selecting each item in a dropdown combobox one at a time and hitting the "View Bill" button to download the pdf before selecting the next combobox item.

Below is the loop I have created but it throws a syntax error when the variable is set as the combobox item to choose as shown below.


I am trying to set the variable as the item's index number so starting at index 1 and stopping at index 55(0 is covered in a previous script)

It works fine when putting the actual index number in instead of the "i" variable but it would be a pain writing out 55 of the same script.
It seems that there was an issue with no space being in between the variable "i" and the Mozilla identifier "(4)." The issue is resolved now.

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