I found a piece of code in the help, I can insert a browser in the window, but when I click on the maximize button, the size of the browser has not changed, how to make the browser automatically adapt to the size of the window? Thanks in advance
Macro Macro2
Using the following custom function to solve the problem, but still can not achieve the effect of the IE browser hotkey F11, in the IE browser, press the F11 hotkey, may make the window switch in full screen and normal, I hope someone can help me ,thanks
Function DT_AutoSizeControls
Macro Macro2
str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD
if(!ShowDialog("" &sub.DialogProcedure &controls)) ret
;0 "" 0x90CB0AC8 0x0 0 0 224 136 "Dialog"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 224 114 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 116 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 116 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""
#sub DialogProcedure
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
sel message
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we3
,we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg))
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
#sub we3_DocumentComplete
function IDispatch'pDisp `&URL ;;SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2'we3
out URL
Using the following custom function to solve the problem, but still can not achieve the effect of the IE browser hotkey F11, in the IE browser, press the F11 hotkey, may make the window switch in full screen and normal, I hope someone can help me ,thanks
Function DT_AutoSizeControls
function hDlg message $controls
;Moves or resizes dialog controls when you resize the dialog.
;Call this function from dialog function, before sel message.
;hDlg, message - hDlg, message.
;controls - space-separated list of controls.
;;;Syntax for a control: IdActionDirection
;;;;;Id - control id.
;;;;;Action - m (move) or s (resize).
;;;;;Direction - h (horizontally) or v (vertically) or none (horizontally and vertically).
;DT_AutoSizeControls hDlg message "1m 2m 3sh 4mv 5s"
;sel message
type ASC_CONTROL hwnd !action !direction horz vert
int i j k x y
RECT r rc
sel message
,GetClientRect hDlg &rc
,ARRAY(lpstr) a
,tok controls a
,SetProp hDlg "asc_controls" p
,for i 0 a.len
,,ASC_CONTROL& c=p[i]
,,lpstr s=a[i] ;;out s
,,j=val(s 0 k); s+k
,,c.hwnd=id(j hDlg); if(!c.hwnd) out "Warning: control %i not found." j; continue
,,c.action=s[0]; c.direction=s[1]
,,GetWindowRect c.hwnd &r; MapWindowPoints 0 hDlg +&r 2
,,sel c.action
,,,case 'm' c.horz=rc.right-r.left; c.vert=rc.bottom-r.top
,,,case 's' c.horz=rc.right-r.right; c.vert=rc.bottom-r.bottom
,case WM_SIZE
,GetClientRect hDlg &rc
,p=+GetProp(hDlg "asc_controls")
,for i 0 p._len
,,j=0; sel(c.direction) case 'h' j|2; case 'v' j|1
,,sel c.action
,,,case 'm'
,,,x=rc.right-c.horz; y=rc.bottom-c.vert
,,,mov x y c.hwnd j; err
,,,case 's'
,,,GetWindowRect c.hwnd &r; MapWindowPoints 0 hDlg +&r 2
,,,x=rc.right-r.left-c.horz; y=rc.bottom-r.top-c.vert
,,,siz x y c.hwnd j; err
,p=+RemoveProp(hDlg "asc_controls")