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Month's abbreviated name to digits
I wonder whether there exists a simple way to convert a date string with month as its abbreviated name to that with the month as digits. I have written a short QM function which it converts properly, however I a looking for a relevant system resource. Let me mention that the statement :

DateTime(x).fromstr(s) gives an error, unless month is used in "s" with its representation in digits. Many thanks in advance.
Probably not. I know only 1 API, and it is used in FromStr.
Thank you. I attach my solution, for any interest.

Function tempf03
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function# str'mon
;out _i
lpstr m="JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"
int i=find(m mon)
,err "Error in month"
ret i
C# is your friend so easy to parse dates 
i also had it output just the numeric month as another example 
Using c# dont need to break the date apart can process it all together and customize output
Function ParseDateExampleCs
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_s.timeformat("{dd-MMM-yy}" 0)
out _s
str code=
;using System;
;using System.Globalization;
;public class Example
;,,public static string StaticFunc(string date)
;,,,,DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);
,,,,;return parsedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy");
str R=CsFunc(code _s)
out R
for more info see
Standard Date and Time Format Strings

Parsing Date and Time Strings in .NET

Custom Date and Time Format Strings

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