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[split] LA floating panels - option to make not always on top of the main window
I've set the Recipe panel as a floating panel, but it always stays on top. Is there a way to unpin it?
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// script "LA floating panel make unowned.cs"
//LA.FloatingPanelMakeUnowned("*"); //all

static class LA {
    /// <summary>
Finds a LA floating panel and makes it not owned by the main LA window.
    /// </summary>
<param name="name">Panel name. Or <c>"*"</c> for "all panels".</param>
Then the panel is not always on top of the main LA window. It is visible when the main window is minimized. It can be maximized and minimized, and has a taskbar button.
    /// </remarks>
    public static void FloatingPanelMakeUnowned(string name) {
        foreach (var w in wnd.findAll("Au.Editor - " + name, "HwndWrapper[Au.Editor;*", default, WFlags.CloakedToo, also: o => o.HasExStyle(WSE.TOOLWINDOW) && !o.HasStyle(WS.CAPTION))) {

    /// <summary>
Makes a LA floating panel not owned by the main LA window.
    /// </summary>
<param name="w">Floating panel window.</param>
    public static void FloatingPanelMakeUnowned(wnd w) {
        WndUtil.SetOwnerWindow(w, default);
        w.SetExStyle(WSE.TOOLWINDOW, WSFlags.Remove);
        w.SetStyle(WS.CAPTION | WS.MAXIMIZEBOX | WS.MINIMIZEBOX | WS.SYSMENU, WSFlags.Add | WSFlags.UpdateNonclient);
        api.EnableMenuItem(api.GetSystemMenu(w, false), api.SC_CLOSE, api.MF_GRAYED);

    unsafe class api : NativeApi {
        internal static extern IntPtr GetSystemMenu(wnd hWnd, bool bRevert);
        internal static extern bool EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, uint uIDEnableItem, uint uEnable);
        internal const uint SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
        internal const uint MF_GRAYED = 0x1;
Thank you.
It would be better if this feature could be added to the right-click menu.
In new LA this option is in the context menu of all panels. Right-click caption.

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