To show the Folder Properties dialog, right click that folder in the list of macros and select menu item "Folder properties".
Description - text that is shown in the QM file viewer when importing or opening. Also, in tooltips (until first empty line).
Scope of triggers - one or several programs, with which work or not work triggers (keyboard, mouse and window) of all items in the folder and subfolders. Several program names must be separated with comma. Example: NOTEPAD,CALC .
Read-only - items in this folder and subfolders cannot be modified (text, properties, etc), deleted, renamed, inserted new items, etc.
Disabled items - all items in the folder and subfolders are disabled.
Private functions - functions from the folder and subfolders are not displayed in type-info popup lists, unless you are editing an item that is in parent folder or its subfolders, or use Ctrl+Shift+. . These functions still can be used everywhere. Also these functions and other items are hidden or gray in "Running items" pane and Threads dialog.
Application - obsolete.
All properties are same as folder properties, but applied are only "Description", "Scope", "Read-only" and "Disabled items". Other properties are applied to imported folder when this file is imported into another file.