This popup menu is shown when you right-click a custom toolbar. It allows you to set some options for the toolbar. More options can be set in the Properties dialog.
Edit toolbar - show QM window and open the toolbar.
Edit macro - if the button is used to run a macro, show QM window and open the macro.
Open file location - open folder that contains button's program/file.
Show text - show text labels.
Sizing border - show border. In not checked, you cannot resize the toolbar.
1-pixel border (QM 2.2.0) - show 1-pixel border. The border can be used to resize the toolbar if Sizing Border is checked.
Auto shrink - different toolbar size when the mouse pointer is inside and outside the toolbar.
Follow owner window - follow the owner window when it moved or resized.
Follow screen size (free toolbars) - move the toolbar if need when screen size (resolution) changed.
Activate owner window on click - clicking the toolbar activates the owner window.
Tooltips always - show tooltips even when Show text is checked.
Vertical toolbar - check this if you use the toolbar as vertical toolbar. It replaces vertical separators with horizontal separators, etc. Note that it does not change toolbar's width and height. To do it, drag toolbar's borders.
Equal-size buttons - equal-size buttons when Show Text is checked.
3D buttons (QM 2.2.1) - display old-style 3D buttons. Incompatible with hot item colors. On Vista and later, incompatible with custom font.
Open file on drop (QM 2.3.0) - when a file dropped, don't show menu. If the button runs a program, opens the file in the program. To show menu, drag and drop with the right mouse button.
Hide if full-screen window (QM 2.3.3) - hide the toolbar when a full-screen window is active. If it is a window-attached toolbar, hides when its owner window is full-screen. Else hides when a full-screen window is active in the same monitor.
Other programs cannot hide - don't allow other programs to hide the toolbar or move it somewhere. This option is used only with free toolbars (not window-attached toolbars). For example, a program that creates multiple desktops will not hide the toolbar on inactive desktops. Note that free QM toolbars are always visible on all Windows 10/11 virtual desktops, regardless of this option.
On top of topmost windows (QM 2.3.3) - periodically set the toolbar on top of always-on-top windows (in the Z order). If not checked, the toolbar can be behind another always-on-top window (e.g. taskbar). Alternatively you can make a toolbar visible by triggering it again. This option is used only with free toolbars (not window-attached toolbars).
Quick icons - load icons quickly. When closing the toolbar, icons are saved to a single file (cache), and, when opening the toolbar next time, icons are quickly loaded from that file. This is useful with toolbars that have large number of icons and therefore are opened slowly. If unchecked, icons everytime are extracted from associated files. It is slow process (especially if an antivirus program scans each loaded executable module) and requires more memory.
Refresh icons - refresh outdated icons. Useful when Quick icons is checked.
If checked Follow owner or Follow screen size, toolbar coordinates are relative to the selected corner of the owner window or screen. If checked Auto shrink, the expanding direction depends on the selected corner.
Auto select - auto-select the nearest corner when moving the toolbar with the mouse right button.
QM 2.4.0. These settings, also toolbar position and size, are saved in the main QM file when closing the toolbar. Toolbars that are in currently loaded shared files also save in the main file. Older QM versions used the registry.
If you have lost a toolbar (it is running but invisible), check View Active Items in the Run menu, right click a toolbar in the Running Items list, and click Move Here. If you click Reset, it closes the toolbar and resets its size, position and right-click menu settings to the default values.