Launches the macro when you press the specified hotkey. To assign this trigger, use the Properties dialog or the Trigger field.
If the Shift button in the Properties dialog is in indeterminate state, the trigger will work with Shift pressed or released.
If "Eat" is not checked, the trigger keys are passed to the window that would normally receive them. Triggers with a next key always eat the first key if there are macros that have the same first key and "Eat" checked.
By default, QM does not wait until you release trigger keys, but releases them itself. In some cases it can cause unexpected effects. For example, if trigger contains Ctrl and Alt, and macro sends Delete, can be generated Ctrl+Alt+Delete. If "When released" is checked, macro starts only when all keys and mouse buttons are released.
Two non-disabled macros should not have same hotkey trigger, unless both are specific to a program or some other condition (see filter functions). On conflict, will run the macro that was above in the list of macros when QM was started or current file opened, or that is older.
Some hotkeys are used by Windows, other programs, shortcuts. For example, Alt+Tab, Win+R, Win+Shift+M. If you want to use these hotkeys, check "Use low-level keyboard hook" in Options. Low level hooks also make triggers to work in console windows in Windows Vista. However, low-level keyboard hooks stop working if some macro uses DirectInput or raw input (like Keyboard Detector) to get keyboard input.
Hotkey triggers don't work if there is no active window. It is rare situation, because some window (e.g. desktop or taskbar) usually is active.
Other type of hotkey - hotkey for shortcut (shortcut itself can be on the desktop or in the Start menu). Such hotkeys work even when QM is not running, also they always work in console windows. To create a shortcut with a hotkey, press the Shortcut button in the Properties dialog, click in the Hotkey field, press the hotkey, and click OK.
See also: autotext