Here hWnd is window handle. Use function win to get it. For controls, use child or id.
IsWindow(hWnd) | returns 1 if the handle is valid window handle and the window is not destroyed. |
IsZoomed(hWnd) | returns 1 if window is maximized. See also max. |
IsIconic(hWnd) | returns 1 if window is minimized. See also min. |
IsWindowVisible(hWnd) | returns 1 if window is visible. See also hid. |
IsWindowEnabled(hWnd) | returns 1 if window is enabled. |
EnableWindow(hWnd fEnable) | enables (fEnable 1) or disables (fEnable 0) window. |
MoveWindow(hWnd x y nWidth nHeight bRepaint) | moves and resizes window. See also mov+. |
SetWindowPos(hWnd hWndInsertAfter x y cx cy wFlags) | moves and/or resizes and/or sets Z order, and/or more. For wFlags use SWP_ constants. |
GetWindowRect(hWnd RECT*lpRect) | get window dimensions. See also DpiGetWindowRect. |
GetParent(hWnd) | returns handle of direct parent window of child window. |
GetAncestor(hWnd gaFlags) | returns handle of container window. gaFlags: 1 parent (the same as GetParent), 2 top-level parent, 3 top-level parent or owner. |
WindowFromPoint(xPoint yPoint) | returns handle of window or child window from point. See also win, child. |
type POINT x y | used to store point coordinates |
type RECT left top right bottom | used to store rectangle coordinates |
You can use functions GetSystemMetrics and SystemParametersInfo to get various system parameters. These and other Windows API functions are documented in MSDN library.
Toggle active window's maximized/restored state: if(IsZoomed(win)) res; else max Display dimensions of active window: RECT r; DpiGetWindowRect(win &r) out "x=%i y=%i width=%i height=%i" r.left r.right-r.left Get the work area (the portion of the screen not obscured by the system taskbar or by application desktop toolbars): RECT r; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA 0 &r 0)