s.getwintext(window) s.setwintext(window) s.getwinclass(window) s.getwinexe(window [full])
s - str variable.
window - top-level or child window. Usually it is window handle.
full - if 0, get filename (e.g., "notepad"), else get full path (e.g., "C:\Windows\notepad.exe"). Default: 0.
getwintext populates s with window text. It can be window title, button label, edit control text, static control text, etc.
setwintext sets window text.
getwinclass populates s with window class name.
getwinexe populates s with window executable file name or full path. Cannot get full path of a process running as other user.
See also: GetProcessExename
int h str s h=win("Notepad") s.getwintext(h) h=id(15 "Notepad") s.setwintext(h)