min [window] max [window] res [window]
int min([window]) int max([window]) int res([window])
Minimizes (min), maximizes (max) or restores (res) window.
res works like the 'Restore' item in the window's system menu. If the window is minimized, restores it to previous state (normal or maximized). If maximized, makes normal. If need to restore only if minimized, use if min (see example) or act (it restores if minimized).
The speed depends on spe.
Returns 1 if window is minimized (min), maximized (max) or normal (res). If not, returns 0.
min "Notepad" ;;minimize "Notepad" window restore "Notepad" window to previous state if it is minimized int w=win("Notepad") if(min(w)) res w